Winery Info/Brand
Chateau Saint Pierre was first planted in 1693 but only was recognised as the name said Chateau after it was acquired by its new owner, Baron de Saint Pierre who bought the estate in 1767. Upon his death in 1832, Chateau Saint Pierre was divided into two separate Saint Julien vineyards for his children. This led to the creation of Chateau Saint-Pierre Bontemps and Chateau Saint Pierre Sevaistre.

Region Info/Origin
Saint Julien first became famous for its Bordeaux wine back in the 17th century. At that time, St Julien was in the stage of development, to become a major Bordeaux wine producing appellation in the Left Bank when the entire area of the Medoc was discovered and populated by wealthy aristocrats. Coinciding with creating the famous vineyards we know today, the new landowners quickly began erecting massive showpiece chateaux throughout the region. Many of the original Saint Julien estates are still standing today and can be easily noticed while driving down the famous D2 highway.